MANTHAN-2K23 Parliamentary Debate
Parliamentary Debate
Registration Fees : Rs. 100/-
A student taking part in project exhibition events should follow certain rules regarding the event.
- Contestants must reach the venue 20 minutes prior to the competition. (The topic will be assigned 20 minutes prior to the competition.)
- It is an individual (single) participant event.
- The time allotted for each contestant will be 3 minutes.
- Contestants must carry their ID cards and registration proof during their participation.
- Contestants will have to bring their Pens, writing sheets, and other related stuff.
- College/ University/Institute uniform is compulsory for all the contestants.
- Either English or Hindi will be used as the language for participation.
- The sequence for contestants (for Debate) will be as-
A contestant will propose the motion and another will oppose it.
9. The judges can disqualify any contestant during the debate for his/her misconduct.
10. The decision of the Judges shall be final & binding on all the contestants.
11. Evaluation will be based on Analysis, Evidence & Reasoning, Organization, Delivery & Refutation & Defense.
Note: Contestants will opt out of either the Positive side (Motion) or the Negative side (Opposition) for the debate before the Competition starts.